4×13 Peace With God: A Gift For Every Believer! Children’s Bible Broadcast

Did you know that God wants to give everyone the gift of peace? Peace is the friendship and rest that we have when we know that everything is as it should be between ourselves and the Lord. Sin and disobedience can threaten that, but God’s forgiveness means that peace is always just a prayer away!…

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4×12 God Wants Us To Be Joyful! Children’s Bible Broadcast

Sometimes we think that the words Happy and Joyful mean the same thing, but they don’t! Our happyness can disappear when our circumstances change, but God gives us joy, and that is something that stays with us as long as God is with us! Grab your Bible and join us!

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4×10 What is Brotherly Kindness? Children’s Bible Broadcast

We all know that its good to be kind, but should we really be kind to everyone? In today’s episode, we are going to look at what the Bible calls brotherly kindness, and find out how God wants us to view and treat others around us. Grab your Bibles and join us!

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4×8 Patience: The Importance of Waiting!

Do you ever get tired of something? Maybe you have a chore that seems to take all day, or you are traveling for what seems like forever! Did you know that the Bible says that our times are in God’s hand, and that His way is perfect? Patience is something we all need if we…

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4×7 How Do I Show Self-Control? Children’s Bible Broadcast

The Bible says that when we learn what is right, we have a responsibility to listen to God’s Holy Spirit when He shows us what is right. Do you ever struggle to do what you know is right? Does it ever seem easier to just do what is comfortable? This is why Temperance is so…

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4×6 The Importance of Knowledge! Children’s Bible Broadcast

Did you know that there is more to being a Christian than your salvation? Once you become a Christian, you can begin the adventure of discovering God’s purpose for your life! 2 Peter tells us that we are to add to our faith, and knowledge equips us to understand who God is! Grab your Bible…

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